Kindness makes a teen’s stay at Crescent Cove the ‘Best Stay Ever’


Our large and welcoming bath is a highlight experience for many children who come to Crescent Cove.


Kedric is all smiles while bathing during a recent respite stay.


Ellie loves bubble baths as a part of her stay at Crescent Cove.


Chelsie M., the EZ Way employee who led the way to her company's support for Crescent Cove!

“People are marvelous in their generosity, if they just know the cause is there.”
— Will Rogers

One of the highlights of a child’s respite stay at Crescent Cove is our large, luxurious bathtub. Children with complex medical conditions often need support to bathe, and, as they grow, cannot be lifted into a standard household tub without a mechanical lift. For many, a bubble bath in a tub with music, lights, and toys, is an absolute delight.

In order to accommodate the many children of various sizes, we use a variety of slings to lift children into our tub. As we prepared for a teenager’s respite stay with us, we realized that we needed a specific sling to accommodate him, one that we did not own. This teen cannot bathe at home as his home tub is not accessible — he was looking forward to a luxurious bath at Crescent Cove! But he had grown since his last visit, and we knew that we needed a larger sling to make this special activity happen.

As a nonprofit that does not receive insurance reimbursement for the care we provide, we work hard to ensure that every dollar spent elsewhere is spent wisely, and we often ask companies for discounts to help us stretch donors’ dollars further.

So to make this teen’s hopes of a relaxing bath possible, we reached out EZ-Way, a company that makes medical-grade equipment and accessories to purchase a sling. In the past we had received demo slings from them at a discount, but no demo slings were available, and the area representative told that they could not offer us a discount on the sling we were requesting. No 10% discount, no free shipping, nothing to help us make this accommodation for this child.

Kathryn, our Director of Nursing, was disheartened by this news. She and the rest of the team started problem-solving to see if they could find another source for this sling. Then, Kathryn’s phone rang. It was Chelsie, the employee from EZ-Way who had told her the company could not discount the item for us. After hearing Kathryn’s disappointment on the phone, she visited our website and read about and saw the photos of the care we provide to children. She was deeply moved, and personally purchased the sling we needed out of her own pocket!

The sling arrived in time for this teen’s stay, and he was able to enjoy several relaxing baths.

Since then, the company has continued to generously donate items to our Home, following the lead of one of their employees who was moved to help Crescent Cove and the families we serve. We are grateful to EZ Way and their employees for their continued generosity!

We are grateful to all of our in-kind supporters whose discounted or free services help us to use more of our donors’ dollars to care for children for respite or end-of-life care. You will find many of them listed on the home page of our website.

Also, if you wish to purchase an item for our Home, please check out our wish list page! We have been updating it several times a month as we continue to grow to serve more children and families.