May 18: A Milestone!
The Crescent Cove staff and Board of Directors are extremely excited to announce that on Friday, May 18, we will reach a transformational milestone in Crescent Cove's mission of welcoming the first family for respite to our Crescent Cove Respite & Hospice Home for Kids!
Since its inception, Crescent Cove's mission was to open and operate the first residential respite and hospice home in Minnesota specifically designed for children. In order to reach this pinacle goal, we have:
- Lobbied the State Legislature to have children and young adults added to the residential hospice license, so that our Respite & Hospice Home for Kids would be fully licensed in accordance to best practices and state statutes;
- Raised over $5.5 million in total to support the ongoing operations of Crescent Cove, including the purchase and renovation of the existing adult hospice facility located on Twin Lakes in Brooklyn Center for which the total budget was under $2 million;
- Hosted seven successful Home Plate Galas with the help of our Harmon Killebrew Hospice Home for Kids Advisory Council and a dedicated volunteer committee;
- Hosted three Pediatric Palliative Care Symposiums around the need for educating our community on the need and value of pediatric palliative care;
- Built a strong Family Support Services Program, providing integrative and holistic therapies to over 100 kids and families in their homes, all with the goal of providing relief and easing pain and stress;
- Engage with over 120 volunteers who consistently assist in Crescent Cove's capacity to reach kids and families and provide support services like meal delivery, sibling care, home maintenance help, and emotional and spiritual support;
- Worked with the Minnesota Department of Human Services and the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services so that we may access reimbursement for respite care for children on the Medicaid waiver program in Minnesota.
With our Crescent Cove Respite & Hospice Home for Kids being only the third of its kind in the US, our skilled team of nurses and social worker will be welcoming families in stages over the next several months to ensure that we are providing the highest level of individualized care and support to each Crescent Cove child and family.
Crescent Cove relies solely on philanthropy to achieve this mission, and provides services and now, the Respite & Hospice Home for Kids, at NO COST to families. We believe that our families have enough every day hurdles that worrying about how or when to pay for respite and support is not necessary. Please join us in providing support by making a gift to Crescent Cove today. Your dollars make moments count for our kids and families, and help them live each day feeling Embraced, Assured, and Celebrated.
If you have questions about our mission, please reach out to Tara Anderson (952.426.4711 x4), or if you are a family interested in receiving services, please contact Kate Rubischko (952.426.4711 x5).
Thank you for helping us achieve this milestone for kids and families!