Brian Osberg

For more than 40 years, Brian used his experience in health care management and policy to help people get the health care they need and deserve. His management experience extends across the provider, health plan and public health care purchasing sectors, and it was through his quiet leadership that Brian often ventured into unchartered territory as healthcare rapidly evolved. While in the private sector, his focus was on the development of integrated care systems in a managed care environment. His accomplishments in this realm included the formation of physician-hospital partnerships, the development of health plan-provider joint ventures, the management of provider-sponsored managed care organizations, and the creation of risk-sharing arrangements. In his last position before retiring from the National Governors Association, Brian used his talents formulating and using best practices related to Medicaid and CHIP and the intersection of those programs with other health care areas, including public health and insurance exchanges.
In 2002, he was appointed by then Governor Jesse Ventura as Assistant Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Human Services. The next governor, Tim Pawlenty, retained Brian in this position where he stayed for 8 years, a tenure rarely seen in these types of positions. His ability to negotiate, collaborate and build bridges were themes throughout his career, a skill not often lauded, but highly effective in bringing about change. As Minnesota State Medicaid Director, he led the agency’s health care reform efforts, developed its capacity to manage its health care services including chronic care coordination and medical home, created innovative managed care products for Medicare and Medicaid clients, and developed related IT and e-health systems.
In addition to his degrees from the University of Minnesota, Brian has also completed the requisite course work for a Masters in Teaching from the University of St. Thomas.