Jenny Floria

Engagement & Communications Manager | 952.426.4711 x4
Jenny joined the Crescent Cove staff in 2022 as the Engagement and Communications Manager after a decade of frequently volunteering her talents to the organization. Before Crescent Cove was a physical space it was an idea that needed funding and support — Jenny was instrumental in building both of those with a team of passionate volunteers.
Jenny has an embarrassingly large number of years of experience first as an agency partner helping nonprofits raise money via direct mail, then switching to working at nonprofits in fundraising roles. She worked at Gillette Children's in St. Paul, then at Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation. She then opened a consulting business for a time, helping small- to mid-sized nonprofits with their fundraising strategy, copywriting, data and audience needs before heeding the call to arrive back at Crescent Cove.
Jenny resides in the southern suburbs of the Twin Cities with her husband, youngest daughter, and their pitbull rescue Beauty. In the summer, you can find her skating around the lakes, training for her next inline skating marathon. You'll recognize her car in the parking lot when you visit our Home.